10 smallest dog breeds


Do you want to get a small dog but at the same time don't want to worry about shedding? Then this article is perfect for you. I have put together a list of 10 small dogs that hardly shed any hair. Take your pick:


1. The Yorkie (Otherwise known as a Yorkshire Terrier) - This dog is among the most popular dog breeds ever. They are among the smallest breeds and don't shed any hair either. Even though this dog is called a terrier, it's primarily a part of the toy breed though it still manages to retain a few terrier instincts. It is a good small dog breed but isn't recommended around other pets or if there are children in the house.

2. The Shih Tzu- This dog is very popular breed which hardly sheds. It is small and weighs hardly 5 to 7 kgs. It has a gentle temperament and is a Chinese dog breed. It gets along well with children and other pets as well. 

3. The Poodle- This is another excellent non shedding dog. A toy or miniature poodle is quite small. These smaller dogs have the same characteristics as their larger counterparts. These dogs are quite fragile though and may not always be the best choice for children.

4. The Maltese- Another popular non shedding dog. Even though this dog is small, it's known as a fearless dog with an easygoing nature. It is small and fragile as well which means it's not the best choice for children.

5. The Lhasa Apso- This dog has an instantly recognizable long coat. It is a very old breed of dogs which used to serve as a watch dog in the monasteries of Tibet. Today, it's a popular non shedding companion.

6. The Bichon Frise- This is a toy dog which has a very lovable nature. It is like the poodle when it comes to grooming and has a curly coat. It is a happy & outgoing dog breed and can be an excellent companion to various other pets.

7. Miniature Schnauzer- This is the most popular small dog from the terrier family. It has a rough coat which hardly sheds and is quite accommodating and friendly unlike most terriers.

8. The Italian Greyhound- This is the smaller version of the Greyhound and many consider this dog breed to be too small and too fragile to be liked. But the benefits of keeping an Italian Greyhound are that its coat doesn't shed and needs little or no maintenance. And this dog likes to run (like almost any Greyhound), so if you get one, be ready to do a lot of running

9. The Havanese- This is another small & quite lovable dog breed. These dogs are extremely intelligent and are also recognized as Cuba's national dog. Even though their coat needs a little maintenance, it doesn't shed too much.

10. The West Highland Terrier- This dog is quite like the miniature Schnauzer from the point of view of having a pleasant personality. It even has a rough coat like the Schnauzer which means it doesn't shed too much either.



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